Ian Hambleton - Chairman
I was appointed the Chair of Trustees of the St Barnabas Society in September 2024, taking over from Roland Hayes, who had led the Board for the previous eight years. I believe that the Saint Barnabas Society will bring many rewards for the Society and for the Church in the coming years and our major projects to date reflect the vision and hard work of the Director and his staff.
Charity trustees are responsible for their charity and more particularly, the beneficiaries. There are
six main duties:
Ensuring the Saint Barnabas Society is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit;
Complying with governing documents and the law;
Ensuring the charity is accountable;
Managing the charity’s resources responsibly;
Acting with reasonable care and skill; and,
Acting in the Society’s best interests.
As Chair of trustees my role is to ensure that all these things happen. The Board meets four times a
year, and I chair those meetings, which monitor the work of the Society, and set strategic goals for
the medium and long term.
Please keep the Society in your prayers. Thank you.
Mr Sean Doyle
Fr Daniel Humphreys (Vice-Chairman)
Mr Ian Hambleton (Chairman)
Miss Clare Gough
Mrs Victoria Stonier
Mrs Janet Mellor